The story of Crocodile and Monkey English stories + Urdu Stories (Moral Stories, Funny Stories, Famous Stories, Magical Stories, Prince/ Princess Stories, Fairytale Stories)
Once upon a time there lived a monkey. He lived on a berry tree. One day a crocodile approached to the swash bank where there was a tree. The monkey was fed up and empty but the fish smelled bad and offered him some berries. Soon, they came consequent musketeers. Every day the monkey would board the crocodile.
One day the monkey offered him some redundant beer to take home for his woman. The crocodile held the beer to his woman and she liked it veritably highly. But she was a veritably unattractive crocodile.
She described her hubby that she needed a monkey's heart that would be beloved than a beer. thus the coming day the crocodile went to the monkey and said that his Mrs. had asked him home for regale. The monkey cheerfully agreed.
But when he reached the medium of the swash, the foolish crocodile told him the verity that his woman needed to warm the monkey's heart for regale. The monkey was sharp, so he snappily told her that he'd left his heart in the berry tree, so he'd to go and pick up it. The crocodile cheerfully agreed. But when they reached the banks, the monkey jumped into the loftiest bough and saved himself.
Also he told the crocodile that he'd no trust her again. The foolish crocodile was depressing and had to go to his wicked woman's home without the monkey's heart.
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