One day Prince Anark went for a walk in Parastan. So he saw many dwarves coming towards him and they all looked very sad. No one had a long, crooked dwarf hat on his head and his head was completely bald. From their heads they looked like boiled eggs without shells. Throughout the gathering, one dwarf was wearing more expensive clothes than the others. The prince said to him: Who are you and what is your problem? Tears welled up in the dwarf's eyes when he heard the prince's sympathetic words and he said: "We are dwarfs living in the north. I am their king. We are going through a lot of trouble today. As you can see in our case.
The prince asked: Tell me what happened to you? The king of the dwarves said to the prince: "Today we all went to the forest for a morning walk. On the way I met a magician who looked very kind and compassionate. He took us to his house in the forest and took sweets out of the box and gave them to us to eat. We all ate candy one by one and thanked him. Paid, but as soon as we ate candy, you can't imagine what happened to us? At the prince's request, the king said: "One by one the hairs fell from our heads and fell to the ground, and our heads became bald like eggs." They began to cry too. They shed so many tears that it became a small pool of water on the ground.
The prince asked in surprise: But did you not ask the magician to return his hair? The dwarf king said: "Why not! We told him, but he said we would have to give him a sip of gold to get his hair back. Does he know that I don't even have fifty coins?" You are a prince. You know how much a king spends and then in the last few days I have spent a lot of money on repairing my palace. So now we have to go everywhere with baldness. Saying this, he started crying again. The prince said to the king of the dwarves: "Don't worry, I will get you all out of this trouble. On hearing this, the king of the dwarves, advising Prince Enrique, said: "Prince! You must be very careful.
The magician is very clever. Don't let it make you bald, dumb or deaf! Prince Enrique laughed because the dwarf king did not know one of the secrets of the prince. The secret was that the prince could not be affected by magic, because at night The fragrance of the flowers was collected and applied on the body, due to which the magic had no effect on the prince. The dwarves told the prince the address of the sorcerer's residence He was standing in front. When he saw the falling prince, he mingled in a big way and said: "Welcome, welcome.
The prince also replied cheerfully and said: "Sir! Your house is very beautiful. You are very lucky to live in the open air of the forest." The magician said proudly: "Yes, why not, but Would you like to see my house from inside? There are many wonderful things in my house that will amaze you. When the prince heard this he thanked the magician and entered the house with him. He brought it to the prince and said to him: "Take some candies. They are very tasty. I bought them from an old witch. You will surely enjoy tasting them." The prince knew that these were the same sweets. The dwarfs became bald after eating them. Still, with gratitude, he put the candy in his mouth and started chewing it.
The magician was watching him intently as he ate the toffee, but when he saw that the prince's hair did not fall out, he was astonished. Then the prince suddenly got up from his chair and applauded happily and said: "I know things which no one knows. I am beginning to know the knowledge of the stars. I can hear whispers of grass bags growing. I have mastered all the languages of the world. The magician exclaimed in surprise: "Really? I think I gave you the wrong toffee to eat. The prince, who was dancing happily, shouted: "Give me more candy to eat, give me more candy to eat." Then he took four or five more sweets out of the box and put them in his mouth and started chewing. Then he started jumping in the room happily.
The magician then said in surprise: "Do you really know all these things, but now I will not give you any more candy, but I will eat the rest of the candy myself." I will not let you benefit any more. Little did I know that these candies were so useful. I think the candies on the top of the box were different because they made people bald. Then he got greedy and filled his mouth with candy and started chewing them hard. He started falling. Yes !! : "Oh! I ate the wrong candy again. I'm getting bald like dwarfs. Oh! How do I go for a walk after tea in the evening? All I have to do is find the magic that will get my hair back. The prince made a face as if he were sorry that the sorcerer was bald.
Then, after reciting a mantra in a book, the magician said in a trembling voice: "I want to make a mixture by shaking a silver water bottle with honey, dew drops, corn flower fragrance, owl feathers." When all was said and done, he put them all in the bottle and shook them well to make them one, then he said to the prince: "Now you have to help me. All my hair will come back. I have to sit on my knees and close my eyes and count to ninety-nine. The prince took the bottle from him and waited for him to close his eyes and start counting.
As soon as he closed his eyes, he took the bottle and ran towards the dwarves and reached them and said to them: Hurry up, sit on the ground, close your eyes and count to ninety, then I put this mixture on your heads. Gave "I'll put it." In the blink of an eye, everyone was counting the dwarfs, obeying the prince, closing their eyes. After counting, the prince poured a little mixture on the bald heads of all, and as soon as he saw them, the hair on the heads of all the dwarfs grew as before. The dwarves were very happy. They gathered around the prince and begged him to go with them to their king's palace. But then there were sounds coming from the forest like a scattering wild bull running. You ran away with my mixture.
I closed my eyes and waited for it to be poured on your head, but you poured the whole mixture on the heads of these dwarves. "
The prince laughed and said: "I am not, you are a liar, you lured the dwarfs out of greed and I fixed them again." Take this bottle, maybe a few drops of mixture are left in it. The prince threw away the bottle which was swallowed by the magic. He could hardly find two drops of the mixture from the bottle which was found on his bald head but only four long hairs came out on his head. Made it a nightmare.

جادوگر نے پھر حیرت سے کہا: کیا تم واقعی یہ سب باتیں جانتے ہو لیکن اب میں تمہیں مزید کینڈی نہیں دوں گا بلکہ باقی کینڈی خود کھاؤں گا۔ میں تمہیں مزید فائدہ نہیں ہونے دوں گا۔ مجھے بہت کم معلوم تھا کہ یہ کینڈیز اتنی کارآمد تھیں۔ میرے خیال میں باکس کے اوپر کی کینڈیز مختلف تھیں کیونکہ وہ لوگوں کو گنجا کرتی تھیں۔ پھر اس نے لالچی ہو کر اپنے منہ میں کینڈی بھر لی اور انہیں زور سے چبانے لگا۔ وہ گرنے لگا۔ جی ہاں !! : "اوہ! میں نے پھر غلط کینڈی کھا لی۔ میں بونوں کی طرح گنجا ہو رہا ہوں۔ اوہ! میں شام کو چائے کے بعد چہل قدمی کے لیے کیسے جاؤں؟ مجھے صرف یہ کرنا ہے کہ وہ جادو تلاش کروں جس سے میرے بال واپس آ جائیں۔ شہزادے نے ایسا چہرہ بنایا جیسے اسے افسوس ہو کہ جادوگر گنجا ہے۔
پھر، ایک کتاب میں ایک منتر پڑھنے کے بعد، جادوگر نے کانپتی ہوئی آواز میں کہا: "میں چاندی کے پانی کی بوتل کو شہد، اوس کے قطروں، مکئی کے پھولوں کی خوشبو، اُلو کے پروں سے ہلا کر مرکب بنانا چاہتا ہوں۔" جب سب کچھ کہا اور ہو گیا تو اس نے ان سب کو بوتل میں ڈال کر اچھی طرح ہلا کر ایک کر دیا، پھر اس نے شہزادے سے کہا: "اب تمہیں میری مدد کرنی ہے، میرے سارے بال واپس آ جائیں گے، مجھے بیٹھنا ہے۔ میرے گھٹنے اور آنکھیں بند کر کے ننانوے تک گنتے ہیں، شہزادے نے اس سے بوتل لے لی اور انتظار کرنے لگا کہ وہ آنکھیں بند کر کے گننا شروع کر دے گا۔
جیسے ہی اس نے آنکھیں بند کیں، وہ بوتل لے کر بونوں کی طرف بھاگا اور ان کے پاس پہنچا اور ان سے کہا: جلدی کرو، زمین پر بیٹھو، آنکھیں بند کرو اور نوے تک گنو، پھر میں نے یہ مرکب تمہارے سروں پر ڈال دیا۔ دیا "میں ڈال دوں گا۔" پلک جھپکتے میں سب بونے گن رہے تھے، شہزادے کی بات مان رہے تھے، آنکھیں بند کیے ہوئے تھے۔ گنتی کے بعد شہزادے نے تھوڑا سا مکسچر سب کے گنجے سروں پر ڈالا اور دیکھتے ہی دیکھتے تمام بونوں کے سروں کے بال پہلے کی طرح بڑھ گئے۔ بونے بہت خوش تھے۔ وہ شہزادے کے گرد جمع ہوئے اور اس سے التجا کی کہ وہ ان کے ساتھ اپنے بادشاہ کے محل میں چلے جائیں۔ لیکن پھر جنگل سے ایسی آوازیں آرہی تھیں جیسے کوئی بکھرتا ہوا جنگلی بیل بھاگ رہا ہو۔ تم میرا مکسچر لے کر بھاگ گئے۔
میں نے آنکھیں بند کر کے آپ کے سر پر انڈیلنے کا انتظار کیا لیکن آپ نے سارا مرکب ان بونوں کے سروں پر انڈیل دیا۔ "
شہزادہ ہنسا اور بولا: "میں نہیں ہوں، تم جھوٹے ہو، تم نے لالچ سے بونوں کو پھنسایا اور میں نے انہیں دوبارہ ٹھیک کردیا۔" یہ بوتل لے لو، شاید اس میں مکسچر کے چند قطرے رہ گئے ہوں۔ شہزادے نے وہ بوتل پھینک دی جسے جادو نے نگل لیا تھا۔ اسے بوتل سے مرکب کے دو قطرے بمشکل ہی ملے جو اس کے گنجے سر پر پائے گئے لیکن اس کے سر پر صرف چار لمبے بال نکلے۔ اسے ڈراؤنا خواب بنا دیا۔
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